Release nieuwe website
09-10-2017As we are continuing to improve our organisation, we considered it important that our website reflected our new house style as well as our vision. We also wanted the new website to be customer-oriented and offer a user-friendly experience.
Following a few good brainstorming sessions together with the designers and website builders at 0to9 Cross Creative Agency and a Lubrafil and InRED Communication Services project team, we formulated a cross creative concept and the creative rationale. After this it, was time to work together to elaborate further, develop and produce. Now, just a few months later, we can say with pride that our new website is live!
We invite you to explore our website and be inspired by the possibilities offered by Lubrafil in finding solutions to your filtration problems.
The website contains all information about the solutions that we can offer. For instance, you can view extensive product information and case studies, read the latest news including about our projects, learn more about the options of servicing and maintenance and, of course, view an overview of our brands and products.